Three Rivers Petroglypth Site, New Mexico

Located just off the highway is the Three Rivers Petrogyph Site. I was keen to see the difference in motifs used at this site in comparison to the area visited a week earlier. This site belonged to a different culture, therefore, different motifs were used. As with the earlier site, the glphs were etched and scratched on volcanic rock; the black colour of the rock makes the white etching stand out especially well. When photographing the motifs a circular polarizer is great asset to ensure that the colors pop. This site is quite extensive and many differing motifs were found: faces, bighorn sheep, lizards, snakes, circular symbols, and a etching that looked like a rocket ship!
Whilst hunting through the low brush for glphs a sleepy wild rabbit was observed resting in the shade of a rock from the warm midday sun.
As with all ancient sites, collecting is not allowed and rangers patrol the area regularly to ensure compliance.
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