Arid Region, California. NANPA, New Mexico

I am about to head out to the desert regions where internet access will be zero, so nothing will be posted for the next week and half or so. I'll be camping from a four wheel drive vehicle. Hopefully, if conditions are good I will photographing desert landscapes, star trails and joshua trees. No doubt there will be several very early morning get ups to capture sunrise shots and some late nights to capture star trails.
Directly before visiting the arid region I will stopping at the Sonoma Coast State Beach. After visiting Death Valley and Joshua Tree, I'll be traveling to the NANPA conference located this year in New Mexico. The conference is an ideal place to network, learn addition photographic techniques and improve your marketing skills.
At the conference conclusion I'll be re-entering the arid regions to complete additional landscape desert work, before spending 10 days in Yellowstone National Park photographing winter wildlife in chilly snowy conditions. Last call temperatures at Yellowstone were around the -20 Celsius mark, so shooting in these conditions will be both taxing on me and the equipment.
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