Next Venture - San Francisco & Yosemite NP, California

In 2 weeks time, I am off again. This time to San Francisco, California.
I fell in love with this city when I passed through in the early part of the year. At that time I used the city a base to visit some other locations within California.
I never thought I would hear myself saying that I love a city - as most cities I dislike with a passion! But San Francisco has ponash, flare, culture, mystic - and most of all is exceptionally picturistic. And I'm not just referring to the iconic Golden Gate Bridge and popular tourist haunts such as Alcatraz Island. There are other hidden attractions that just beckon a photographer: stunning architecture, immense parks & gardens, cultural delights such as the Legion of Honor, impressive museums, art galleries, and the natural splendour of the California coast. This is not even mentioning the wide assortment of ethnic food available.
Research as always is the key to the success of any trip, and weeding through the maze of information can be exceptionally daunting and time consuming. Where to photograph, the best time, and how to actually get on location are major challenges to overcome when you lack local knowledge! Not too mention, I'm an Australian and we have differing road rules, customs, and drive on the other side of the road!
In addition to shooting locally in San Francisco and hopefully at a few other locations firther afield, I am visiting a ranch on the outskirts of the city that is, I have been told, a mecca for birds. I am particularly keen to photograph hummingbirds and have been informed that a number if hummingbird species can be observed at the ranch.
I will then be joining a small group of like-minded photographers to hike and camp within the high altitude regions (High Sierras) of Yosemite National Park. To be honest, I'm not exactly organising and researching anything for this part of the trip as all the logistics has been accomplished by local individuals - I'm just an add on!!
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