Dennys Restaurant, New Mexico

OK it isn't really a restaurant, but I was receiving continual harassment from Rebecca to visit this so called American institution which began sometime in the early 1950's. The Dennys I visited was located in an 1950 Art Deco style diner, similar to the diner known from the TV series "Happy Days". The interior of the restaurant had been renovated in a 1950 theme and 1950/60 music was played from a jukebox in the corner. There were even red stools lining the bar area and one of the waitresses sported a 1950 hairstyle - yikes!
I was "told" to order the Grand Slam which consisted of scrambled eggs, crispy hash browns, 2 pancakes, coffee, and grits. Grits are a southern food made from sifing corn! All I can say is that they are "real tasty-like & ya oll af to come back for moore". (Jane - you will need to find this recipe).

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