Back in Australia - Planning for the Next Venture

Well the seven week USA trip is over. I have 420 GIG of RAW files to sort, delete, keyword, and hopefully process a few for publication. It seems that as I ponder the images and think of some of the sites I have seen, I only start to think of the next trip around the corner, then the next after that, and so forth - it never seems to end!
The problem is that I end up with copious volumes of RAW files that never see the light of day as I'm busy shooting the next trip. Any unemployed darkroom assistant's out there want a job!
I feel a little discombobulated as this the first time I have returned from a trip without another already in the pipe! My normal "modus operandi" is to always have two trips organized at any one time, so when I return the next is around the corner so to speak. I feel that if I don't get something nailed to the floor very soon, with airfares booked and paid, I will miss out.
If some of you are curious as to what I do when I'm back in Hobart, well apart from trying to do my day job (which seems to get more part-time by the month), I post process, keyword and market my images, and do day trips within the state capturing further images of nature and wildlife.
Well back to that calendar and schedule. "I can hear the wolves calling my name"
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