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Hello - Welcome. The purpose of this site is to document my experiences photographing wildlife and nature throughout Australia and abroad.  I hope you find the content interesting and educational, and the images  cause you to reflect on how important it is preserve natural places and their inhabitants.

All wildife has been photographed in the wild and animals are NOT captive or living in enclosures.

For me photography of the natural world is more than just pretty settings and cuddly animal photos. It's a concern for the environment and the earth all living creatures must share.

Note that images appearing in journal posts are often not optimally processed due to time constraints.

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Conservation Matters.....

Articles Archive (newest first)

Point Reyes, California, USA

Although the day was chilly and slightly overcast Rebecca decided it was worth the drive north to Point Reyes. She was not wrong in her assumption as the soft lighting provided ideal photographic opportunities. A number of Mule Deer which were very cooperative were observed adjacent to the access road and two coyotes were seen on separate occasions patrolling the ridge line. I lucky enough to be quicker on the draw with my camera and snapped this coyote portrait.

Later that morning a Bobcat was also observed stalking prey along the boundary fence of a rancher's property. Bobcats are notorious for being elusive and to observe one at relatively close quarters in the wild is very lucky. Even with a 500/4 with 2 X converter attached the resultant images of the animal were small, but the experience of viewing this animal more than compensated for the minimalist images.

The following day, after awaking at 0500 for the drive north to the point we climbed from the SUV to discover that the temperature was hovering around 34 F (2 C) with a wind chill factor of -10%. Our aim was to photograph the first sun rays striking the rocky cliffs. This was accomplished after quickly climbing the bluffs via torch light and freezing our butts off in the chilly wind waiting for the light to break the horizon. With the light still low on the horizon we traversed to another area of the Seashore Park to stalk and photograph Tule Elk (endemic to California). Unfortunately, I was slow off the mark and missed a grand shot of a bull elk staring at me from the ridge not 40 meters away; it saw me and scampered to what it thought was safer ground. After some careful and slow hiking it was possible to approach the herd quite closely and observe the younger male elks practicing "jostling" with their "racks".

Port Reyes is part of the US national park system and is classified as a Seashore Park. The park has little development other than a park station and several historic ranches that were utilized before the park was gazetted.

Considering this park is relatively close to the large urban centres of San Francisco, I was surprised to see such a large diversity of animals and landscapes.

I definitrey would like to return to this area for a few days





United States of America

I have decided to visit the US again in January after only 4 months back in Australia since returning from Alaska.  It seems that every time I visit the US I say to myself this will be the last time, however, inexplicably I seem to return to the US.  America has an incredible diversity when it comes to landscapes and wildlife that I am continually drawn to.

My main reason was attend NANPA, however, the time allocated was soon extended until mid March to take advantage of shooting in a number of locations. Specifically, I was interested in photographing the Northern Elephant Seals and Sea Otters that inhabit northern California. I also was keen to shoot landscapes in the California and Arizona deserts, and spend some time in Yellowstone National Park photographing winter wildlife.

I am based in San Francisco for two weeks before leaving by four wheel drive to tackle the deserts camping. Following this I will attend NANPA and live in the luxury of a small motel room for 4 nights before pushing on to accomplish more desert photography and then two weeks in Yellowstone. A very long drive will then be undertaken back to San Francisco before flying out with QANTAS back to Hobart (hopefully my day job will still be there).

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