Small Things Can Be Important

Just a short breather between wildlife posts!
So what's so important about a silly carabineer and chuck of rope? Probably nothing when your living in the confines of a large town or city. But these items were probably two of the most important pieces of equipment I had with me on my recent field trip to photograph Shy Albatross and Blue Penguins. Actually, I didn't intentionally bring the carabineer; it just happened to be clipped to my photo backpack after an impulse buy at REI in California a few months earlier.
If you've read the posts below you'll know the significance and importance. If I didn't have this small chunk of metal (and rope) we would have had major issues getting our gear down into the sea cave (and out again)!
It's funny, but often it's the "small things" & "little things" that makes the biggest impact.